Foundations Review

What three things will help you stay protected during a rescue?

Gloves, pocket masks, and good hand hygiene are three things that will help you stay protected during and after a rescue attempt.

What key indicators might help you recognize an emergency?

Some key indicators to help you recognize an emergency are: unresponsiveness, difficulty breathing, severe bleeding, abnormal changes in behavior, smoke, the sound of a car crash, and people yelling.

After calling 911 what should you do?

After calling 911 you should place the phone on speaker mode to free your hands.

What age range does this training consider a child to be?

A child is considered to be between the ages of 1 and 8.

Can you help someone who is unresponsive?

Yes, you are welcome to feel safe helping someone who is unresponsive knowing you have good samaritan laws and implied consent reassuring your good deed.

CPR, AED, and Choking Review

What does CPR stand for?

CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and is a set of life saving skills utilized when a victim’s heart has stopped circulating blood through their body.

Do you have to perform mouth-to-mouth if you do not want to?

No, if you are unwilling to perform mouth-to-mouth but willing to call 911 and perform chest compressions you are helping.

What do you look for to indicate starting CPR?

You should look for lack of breathing and movement for no more than ten seconds to indicate the need for CPR.

What is an AED?

An AED is an Automated External Defibrillator. It is a device that can analyze a person’s heart rhythm and deliver a shock of electricity to restore the heart to working order.

What are the three steps of using an AED?

  1. Turn AED On

  2. Place Pads on Victim

  3. Follow AED Prompts

What does rescue breathing do?

It replaces depleted oxygen in our blood for our body to use.

Adult CPR, AED, and Choking Review

Where do you place your hands in adult CPR?

In adult CPR place both hands over the center of the lower half of the victims breastbone.

How deep do you compress in adult CPR?

In adult CPR you should compress two inches deep.

How many times in one minute do you compress in adult CPR?

In all CPR you should compress at a rate of 100 - 120 compressions per minute.

How many compressions are performed before delivering two breaths in adult CPR?

Adult CPR has a compression to ventilation ratio of 30 compressions and two breaths.

What is a team coach?

The team coach is a responder responsible for coordinating a rescue and delegating tasks to ensure a high quality resuscitation.

What should you do if a choking person becomes unresponsive?

Anytime a choking victim becomes unresponsive CPR should be started.

Child CPR, AED, and Choking Review

Where do you place your hands in child CPR?

In child CPR you place one or both hands over the center of their breastbone.

How deep do you compress in child CPR?

In child CPR you compress to a depth of ⅓ the anterior posterior or about 2 inches.

How many times in one minute do you compress in child CPR?

In all CPR you should compress at a rate of 100 - 120 compressions per minute.

How many compressions are performed before delivering two breaths in child CPR?

Child CPR has a compression to ventilation ratio of 30 compressions and two breaths.

How should the AED pads be placed on a child?

For a child, place one pad on the center of their chest over the breastbone with the other pad placed on the center of their back opposite of the first pad. Make sure to avoid overlapping the pads.

Can you use adult pads on a child?

While you would prefer to use the child/infant pads on a child you may use adult pads/adult mode on a child or infant.

Infant CPR, AED, and Choking Review

Where do you place your hands in infant CPR?

Place two finders on the center of the infant’s breastbone.

How deep do you compress in infant CPR?

In infant CPR you compress to a depth of ⅓ the anterior posterior or about 1.5 inches.

How many times in one minute do you compress in infant CPR?

In all CPR you should compress at a rate of 100 - 120 compressions per minute.

How many compressions are performed before delivering two breaths in infant CPR?

Infant CPR has a compression to ventilation ratio of 30 compressions and two breaths.

How should the AED pads be placed on an infant?

For a child, place one pad on the center of their chest over the breastbone with the other pad placed on the center of their back opposite of the first pad. Make sure to avoid overlapping the pads.

Can you use adult pads on an infant?

While you would prefer to use the child/infant pads on an infant you may use adult pads/adult mode on a child or infant.

Opioid Overdose Review

What is the most powerful sign of an opioid overdose?

Pinpoint pupils are one of the most powerful and convincing signs of an opioid overdose. Pair that with unconsciousness and slowed/stopped breathing and you need to act now.

If you do not have Naloxone/Narcan what else can you do?

Narcan or Naloxone is not the only thing you can do, if you are able and willing to perform rescue breathing that will supply the victim with oxygen until the naloxone starts working and/or help arrives.