Welcome to Save With CPR, a dedicated initiative committed to empowering individuals with the life-saving skills of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Our mission is simple yet profound: to save lives by equipping as many people as possible with the knowledge and confidence to perform CPR during emergencies. Sudden cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. With prompt and effective CPR, the chances of survival and recovery significantly increase. At Save With CPR, we believe that everyone should be prepared to act in these critical moments. We do this by making all of our course material free and publicly available. To fund our small team we charge instructors a monthly fee and give them the ability to issue unlimited certificates of completion. That way instructors can run a small training business or businesses can cost effectively in-house their CPR training. Also, organizations, churches, non-profits can train their staff using our course materials for free if they don’t need to issue certificates.

Our Mission & Vision

At Save With CPR, our mission is to provide comprehensive CPR training and resources to individuals, communities, and organizations. We aim to foster a culture of preparedness, ensuring that more people are equipped to respond effectively in emergencies. Our goal is to increase the survival rates of cardiac arrest victims by spreading awareness and facilitating access to high-quality CPR education.

We envision a world where bystanders are empowered to become first responders, where communities are educated and ready to act, and where every life-threatening situation is met with immediate and effective intervention. Our vision is to create a ripple effect of knowledge and preparedness, ultimately saving lives and improving outcomes for cardiac arrest victims.

Who We Are

Save With CPR is comprised of a small passionate team of healthcare professionals, educators, and community advocates who are dedicated to promoting life-saving techniques. Our CPR training that meets the highest standards of care and is compliant with local, federal, and international OSHA and ILCOR guidelines. We are united by a common goal: to make CPR knowledge accessible, practical, and actionable for everyone.

Our Programs

We offer several programs such as adult cpr, child cpr, infant cpr, first aid, and opioid overdose recognition and response. You can view all of our courses to learn more about the training we offer and meeting your organizations safety training needs.

Become an Instructor

Save With CPR has created several easy to teach safety programs and created a cost effective and flexible model to ensure life saving education is promoted. If you would like to teach or in-house your training you’re able to access and share all of our training materials without cost to provide training. If you need to issue certificates we charge a monthly fee to access our Instructor Portal where you can issue unlimited certificates to your students. Your only two costs are equipment and your monthly instructor fee. You can read more about becoming an instructor or sign up today.