Fire extinguisher safety is a critical component of workplace preparedness and compliance. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), employers must provide proper training to employees on the use of fire extinguishers if they are expected to use them during a workplace fire emergency. OSHA’s standard (29 CFR 1910.157) outlines that employees should be familiar with the location and types of fire extinguishers available in their workplace, understand the different classes of fires, and be trained on how to properly operate a fire extinguisher when it is safe to do so.

Proper training not only helps prevent small fires from becoming major emergencies but also ensures that employees are confident and capable when responding to a fire incident. Effective training involves understanding the PASS technique (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep), recognizing when and when not to use a fire extinguisher, and knowing how to assess the situation to ensure personal safety. Employers are responsible for providing this critical training annually, and as part of their emergency action plans, to ensure compliance with OSHA regulations and maintain a safe workplace.

Save With CPR’s Fire Extinguisher Safety Training Course – Coming Soon!

At Save With CPR, we are committed to providing high-quality training that empowers individuals to act quickly and safely in emergency situations. Our upcoming Fire Extinguisher Safety Training Course will cover everything you need to know to comply with OSHA standards. This comprehensive course will provide participants with knowledge about different types of fire extinguishers, understanding fire classifications, and knowing how to evaluate fire situations to decide when to use an extinguisher or evacuate.

Whether you are an employer seeking compliance or an individual looking to enhance your safety knowledge, our course will provide you with the necessary tools and training to help keep your workplace safe.

Stay Updated for Our Course Launch!

We are excited to announce that our Fire Extinguisher Safety Training Course will be available soon. At Save With CPR, your safety is our priority, and we are dedicated to helping you meet all OSHA requirements while fostering a safe working environment.