Are You Doing Your Exclusion Audit Every Month?

Ensure compliance with monthly exclusion audits. Learn about the OIG rules and the benefits of automated exclusion auditing with Exclusion Guard.


Are You Doing Your Exclusion Audit Every Month?

Healthcare providers, are you confident that you're meeting the Office of Inspector General (OIG) compliance standards? If you're unsure, it might be time to consider whether you're conducting your exclusion audits every month.

What is Exclusion Screening?

Exclusion screening is a mandatory process for healthcare providers to ensure they are not employing or contracting with individuals or entities that are excluded from participating in federally funded healthcare programs. The OIG maintains a List of Excluded Individuals/Entities (LEIE) that must be checked regularly. Failing to comply with these checks can result in hefty fines, loss of program funding, and reputational damage.

Understanding OIG Rules

The OIG requires healthcare organizations to conduct exclusion screenings at least once a month to ensure compliance. The penalties for failing to comply with these requirements are severe. Organizations found employing or contracting with excluded individuals or entities can face civil monetary penalties, be required to repay funds received, and may even be excluded from participating in federal healthcare programs themselves. This makes exclusion screening a critical component of any healthcare provider’s compliance program.

The Challenges of Manual Exclusion Auditing

For many organizations, exclusion auditing is a manual process. It involves reviewing lists of employees, vendors, and contractors against the OIG's exclusion database and other databases, such as state Medicaid exclusion lists. This manual approach is not only time-consuming but also prone to human error. The OIG has no tolerance for oversight, so even a single missed check can lead to significant consequences.

The Benefits of Automated Exclusion Auditing

This is where automated exclusion auditing comes in. Automated solutions, like those offered by Exclusion Guard, provide a streamlined, efficient, and reliable way to conduct these monthly checks. Instead of spending countless hours manually reviewing lists, automated software can perform comprehensive checks across multiple databases in a fraction of the time.

Why Choose Exclusion Guard?

1. Efficiency: Exclusion Guard automates the process, drastically reducing the time and effort required to perform monthly audits.

2. Accuracy: Automated systems minimize the risk of human error, ensuring that no excluded individuals or entities slip through the cracks.

3. Compliance: By using Exclusion Guard, you ensure compliance with OIG guidelines, protecting your organization from potential penalties.

4. Real-Time Updates: Exclusion Guard provides real-time monitoring and updates, so you’re always aware of any changes to the exclusion status of your workforce or vendors.

The Peace of Mind of Automated Auditing

By choosing an automated solution like Exclusion Guard, healthcare providers can focus on what they do best – delivering quality patient care – without the constant worry of potential compliance breaches. With automated tools, the heavy lifting of exclusion screening is handled, freeing up valuable resources and ensuring your organization remains in compliance.

### Start Your Exclusion Audit Automation Today

Don’t let manual processes put your organization at risk. By switching to an automated exclusion auditing solution, you safeguard your reputation and your bottom line. Visit Exclusion Guard to learn more about how their services can help you maintain compliance effortlessly.

Exclusion screening is not just a regulatory requirement – it is an essential aspect of protecting your healthcare organization from significant risks. By conducting your exclusion audits monthly and leveraging automated tools like Exclusion Guard, you can ensure your organization stays compliant, efficient, and focused on patient care.